Realme recently unveiled Realme 10 Pro and Realme 10 Pro+ as the latest 5G lineup smartphones. Both are good value-for-money phones with almost similar specs such as a 108MP main back camera, a 120Hz display, and a 5,000mAh battery. However, the pro+ variant has some extra specs like a triple rear camera unit, 67W fast charging technology, and an octa-core MediaTek Dimensity 1080 SoC, instead of Qualcomm’s chipset which has been offered in the Realme 10 Pro. Both the smartphones carry a set of beautiful wallpapers which users can set on their phone’s home screen and lock screen.
You can also grab these beautiful wallpapers for your smartphone’s screen. We have provided a total of three wallpapers of the Realme 10 Pro and Pro+ which come in 1080 x 2400 pixels resolution. If you want to see how they look, so we have also included sample images below. But we suggest you that don’t download these sample images, they have low-resolution quality for better page load speed. If you want to download them so click on the download link and open the zip file.
The latest Realme 10 Pro series smartphones have some good and useful features for the budget segment. The Realme 10 Pro and Pro+ have up to 12GB of RAM and up to 256GB of internal storage. They come with a 16MP selfie camera. The dual-SIM supporting Realme 10 Pro series handsets are pre-installed with Android 13 Operating System with RealmeUI 4.0 skin on the top.
Download Realme 10 Pro+ Stock Wallpapers
Download Realme 10 Pro+ Stock Wallpapers
Coming to the display, the 10 Pro has a 6.72-inch LCD FHD+ display, while the 10 Pro+ offers a 6.7-inch FHD+ Super AMOLED display. Both screens share a 120Hz refresh rate. On the SoC front, the Realme 10 Pro is equipped with a Qualcomm Snapdragon 695 SoC paired with Adreno 619 GPU, and the Realme 10 Pro+ has a MediaTek Dimensity 1080 SoC clubbed with Mali G68 GPU.
They have almost similar camera sensors, except for one change. The Realme 10 Pro+ has an extra 8MP ultra-wide-angle sensor, and the rest of two are the same, a 108MP main lens and a 2MP macro lens. Both the handset are powered by a 5,000mAh battery, however, there too a difference. The Realme 10 Pro supports 33W fast charging while the Pro+ comes with 67W fast charging.